Dear Friends of St. Joseph Pregnancy Resource Clinic, 

When was the last time life as we know it was interrupted for everyone? These are unprecedented times full of uncertainty and unknowns. The St. Joseph PRC staff are thinking of you and praying for better days. How do you cope since calendars are cleared and your plans with family or friends now will not happen? Please let me know if you would like to talk. Perhaps you need help obtaining resources. We care about you! My encouragement is to remain hopeful.

 During the Coronavirus pandemic, which has forced a new normal for routines and social interaction, women in our community are additionally stressed with a life-changing reality of pregnancy. As we enforce CDC screening guidelines and enhanced cleaning protocols, we are continuing to take calls on the helpline. We look forward to clinic appointments with these women once it is deemed safe for everyone. Until then, we have important opportunities to share hope. The women we have talked to this week are burdened, sad, and said they plan to abort. Thank you for making it possible for PRC staff to guide these pregnant women during challenging days. 

  • Hope is shared as we give women critical information regarding pregnancy. 
  • When diapers, wipes, or formula are provided to a new mother in need, her stress is reduced and she becomes hopeful
  • PRC is coordinating a restoration journey of forgiveness and hope for post-abortive women. 

You are making life better for women in Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas!

Are you familiar with the Apostle Paul’s instruction to rejoice in suffering, because we know suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope and hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love… (Romans 5:3-4)? When hope is shared, the attitudes of all parties, the givers and the receivers, shifts from despair to gratitude. I am grateful for you and the hope you have given through continued partnership with PRC. Know this – the staff and volunteers at St. Joseph PRC are dedicated to providing assistance and resources to pregnant, at-risk, and post-abortive women so that they may make life-affirming decisions.

Together for life, 
Libby Owens
Executive Director

P.S. Several PRC April events were canceled. We are waiting for notification about the golf tournament, scheduled for May 1. We appreciate your patience and understanding. And remember, I am happy to visit with you. Give me a call at 816-387-8090.