Winds of Change

With the turning of the calendar page to 2023, change is in the air. For the past nine years, the clinic
services have remained true, steady, and effective, but with the increasing availability of the abortion
pill and the limits put on pregnancy centers by Big Tech, we will be making some significant changes in
order to remain relevant and meet the expectations of the “abortion-panicked” woman. We are excited
about implementing new ideas so we can be the first person in contact with a woman—not Planned
Parenthood—when she discovers she is pregnant and she wasn’t planning on it.

In 2022, twenty-nine women who first saw their babies on ultrasound in the St. Joseph or Cameron
clinics proudly brought their infants back to the clinic so they could show them off to the staff. Not one
of those women regretted their decision to have their baby. On the contrary, though nights were short,
sleep was rare, and purse strings were tight, each mother had a look of genuine contentment as she
stared lovingly at her little one. One very abortion-determined mother even said, “I just hold him all the
time.” We must continue to meet these women first!

Pregnancy resource centers all across the country are changing directions. The mission hasn’t changed,
but the culture we live in is changing. Change can be a little daunting, but it’s exciting to watch God
move in ways we never expected, open doors we didn’t know existed, and give us peace as we walk in
an ever-changing world with a never-changing God.

Be Informed

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