Every group who graduates from our prenatal classes at Pregnancy Resource Clinic will always have a special place in my heart. As program class coordinator, I am so blessed to become acquainted with so many of these moms, and dads too! But last week OUR class graduated! Besides being the coordinator, I also teach a class with my partner, Lori Hayden. What a joy this class has been! And what a blessing is has been to watch them learn, grow, and become fast friends during our time together. We’ve shared joys, anxieties, fears, and triumphs together. And then finally….the babies, and the stories of their births!!!! God’s blessings in abundance! One of our moms had always wanted to go to a luau. So to say good-bye Lori and I threw a luau graduation. What a fun and special party we had! I hope you enjoy the pictures. If you are thinking of a way to make an impact for the kingdom of God, just volunteer at PRC. I guarantee you’ll be blessed a hundred-fold!

– Terry Conard

Visit https://stjosephprc.org/services/pregnancy-programs/ for information about My Baby & Me classes or call St. Joseph PRC at 816-387-8090.