Your business can partner with the St. Joseph PRC to be actively pro-life in Missouri
by donating time, resources or services. Dedicate your business to protecting life!
Your business can partner with the St. Joseph PRC to be actively pro-life in Missouri by donating time, resources or services. Dedicate your business to protecting life!
Involvement Opportunities
Sponsor an Event
You can showcase your business and highlight your commitment to giving back to the community. Your business’ participation in events will promote your business while helping to protect life.
Your donation will go toward no-cost crisis pregnancy clinic appointments, including ultrasounds, class materials and encouragement to a woman in need. You can donate as a one-time gift or provide monthly support to protect life.
Contribute In-Kind Services
From general maintenance to legal counsel, there are many needs your business can help us meet. Contact us to contribute business services to aid the PRC mission.
Match Employee Contributions
Your business can double or triple the impact of generous gifts from your employees by implementing an employee matching program for the St. Joseph PRC.