PRC has partnered with If Not For Grace to provide support groups for women who have experienced an abortion. Learn more about If Not For Grace here:

Since 1973, 62.5 million babies have been lost to abortion, leaving millions of men and women wounded by that choice.

At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and, at current rates, about one in four will have an abortion. Of these post-abortive women, 47% have had at least one previous abortion. For many, abortion is a painful choice. At times, it seems the only logical option. Some women feel pressured. Others freely choose. Regardless of the experience, the symptoms are unavoidable — shame, inability to forgive, loss, and grief.


(816) 847-2911

Attention Churches: Click HERE to access flyers about support groups for people who have experienced abortions.