On March 2nd, the PRC classroom was filled with the sounds of laughter and fun as one of our graduated classes met for a reunion. These new mommas had a special bond while in class and were overjoyed to be together again.

Along with the teachers, Lori Hayden and Terry Conard, these moms got to reconnect with the six babies born during their class time, who are now 6 or 7 months old. It was such fun to watch Odin trying to crawl while JR and Patrick reached out for each other while sitting on top of the table. The only two girls, Mercy, and Adrianna looked so cute, decked out in their St. Patrick’s Day green. And Bridger, who had just had his baby shots, slept through most of the party.

Now that they have taken their early steps into parenting, all of the moms agreed that the lessons from the “My Baby and Me” classes were extremely helpful. And the new mothers mentioned that they have recommended our classes to their pregnant friends. The breastfeeding lessons seemed to have a significant impact, as five of the ladies are still breastfeeding and intend to continue. Another popular lesson was “The Happiest Baby on the Block” which taught them how to soothe a cranky baby. While they continue to be Facebook friends and text back and forth, it’s apparent that these sweet gals have formed a wonderful support system for each other. We anticipate this class will plan a one-year reunion!