What do you do when you’re faced with a life-altering decision, and you know what you would like to do — what you should do — but you just cannot rally the support in your favor? Conflict will inevitably occur even in the best relationships, but toss an unplanned pregnancy on the fire, and sparks may fly! A woman may know in her heart she should carry her baby, however, it’s often difficult to make her case, and she may succumb to pressure that’s being put on her by those around her including the father of the baby. That’s where St. Joseph’s own crisis pregnancy clinic can help!

Lexi* knew that she had to get more information. After all, maybe Dean* was right; maybe abortion would be the best “choice.” A quick Google search led Lexi to our clinic’s website where she made an appointment to find out what options were available for the pregnancy. Both Lexi and Dean arrived together at the first clinic appointment. Although Lexi did not know what decision she would ultimately make in regard to the pregnancy, she confessed that she was happy to be pregnant. Dean, on the other hand, did not agree. In fact, Lexi shared he was pressuring her to abort.

The couple looked on as the sonographer performed an early ultrasound. While no heartbeat could be seen or heard, a small sac could be seen. Our medical staff never knows for sure what will be the tipping point for a woman—sometimes it’s a heartbeat, sometimes it’s seeing a hand moving on the ultrasound screen—but Lexi’s baby got her attention when only a sac could be seen! Dean was not convinced. It would be several weeks before he would begin to warm up to the idea of having a baby. By the end of the first appointment, Lexi said, “I’m going to carry the baby.” This appointment was the first of several contacts we would have with Lexi over the course of her pregnancy and part of our regular follow-up process to keep in touch with our patients.

Not long ago, a phone call was made to Lexi to see if she would like to stop by our office and bring her newborn baby in for a visit. She agreed. Lexi arrived with her baby girl (see picture) and happily received a gift of diapers, wipes, a blanket, and a couple of adorable outfits. Those who were present when Lexi came for her “Baby Visit” fussed and gushed over her sweet little daughter, but the best part of the entire visit was when Lexi shared the following comment with us: “When I told Dean I was coming here today, he said, ‘Tell the staff I’m so glad you went there, because if you hadn’t, we would have made a horrible mistake.’” Lexi continued, “I think I would’ve caved to the pressure if I hadn’t come here first. Dean loves this baby and is glad she’s here.” You can imagine how our hearts melted when we heard Lexi’s testimony. We thank God and give Him all the glory for this!

In case you’re wondering, your prayers and donations DO make a difference. Each person who prays for the center, a lot or a little, and each person who gives, big or small—it all has an impact—an eternal impact! Thank you for making it possible for the St. Joseph PRC to exist in our community.

*Names changed to protect confidentiality.